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Counterpart International ayuda a personas a construir vidas mejores y futuros más duraderos, comunidad por comunidad. Preparamos a individuos, organizaciones y comunidades – nuestras contrapartes – para que se conviertan en creadores de soluciones en sus propias familias, comunidades, regiones y países. Trabajamos con ellos en algunos de los lugares más desafiantes del mundo para abordar problemas sociales, económicos, medioambientales, de salud y de gobernanza que amenazan sus vidas y socavan sus futuros. Para obtener más información sobre Counterpart, visitar nuestro sitio web en
Counterpart International is currently seeking a Director of Finance and Operations (DFO)to support the anticipated USAID-funded
Counterpart International is currently seeking a full-time Chief of Party (COP)to support the anticipated USAID-funded
Counterpart International is currently seeking a Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) Manager to support the anticipated USAID Strengthening the Capacity of Local Organizations Activity in Tanzania. This activity will be multi-year aimed at enhancing the capacity of local Tanzanian organizations improving their ability to deliver services, manage resources effectively, and engage in sustainable development initiatives. This position is contingent upon award. This is a full-time position based in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
Counterpart International is seeking a qualified Director of Finance and Administration to
Counterpart International is currently seeking a Chief of Party (COP) for the anticipated USAID Strengthening the Capacity of Local Organizations Activity in Tanzania. This activity will be multi-year aimed at enhancing the capacity of local Tanzanian organizations improving their ability to deliver services, manage resources effectively, and engage in sustainable development initiatives. This position is contingent upon award. This is a full-time position based in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
Counterpart International is currently seeking an experienced Grants and Compliance Manager with demonstrated skills in grants management and compliance from the pre-award phase to close out of the grants making process for the anticipated Stability Through Economic Progress, Unity and Peacebuilding (STEP-UP) activity in Pemba, Mozambique and is slated for award on or about October 1, 2024. The STEP-UP activity will support subawards, mainly grants and capacity development to innovative local businesses and groups, with a focus on areas prone to conflict, including but not limited to Cabo Delgado. The purpose of the activity is to allow communities to participate more actively in their own development through directly providing opportunities and tools. Counterpart...
Counterpart International ayuda a personas a construir vidas mejores y futuros más duraderos, comunidad por comunidad. Preparamos a individuos, organizaciones y comunidades – nuestras contrapartes – para que se conviertan en creadores de soluciones en sus propias familias, comunidades, regiones y países. Trabajamos con ellos en algunos de los lugares más desafiantes del mundo para abordar problemas sociales, económicos, medioambientales, de salud y de gobernanza que amenazan sus vidas y socavan sus futuros. Para obtener más información sobre Counterpart, visitar nuestro sitio web en www.counterpart.org.
El Proyecto por la Transparencia e Integridad, en...
Counterpart International is seeking a Chief of Party (COP) for the anticipated USAID-funded Mozambique Stability Through Economic Progress, Unity, and Peacebuilding (STEP UP) Activity which seeks to increase empowerment of local communities to drive their own social and economic development.. The purpose of the activity is to allow communities to participate more actively in their own development through directly providing opportunities and tools. The COP will lead the in-country management of the program, ensuring the implementation of programmatic activities and overseeing the work of long-term staff and short-term experts and ensuring compliance with US government rules and regulations. The COP will also take the lead in coordinating with USAID...
Counterpart International is seeing a Deputy Chief of Party (DCOP)/ for a five-year USAID-funded program that supports local elected government institutions to be more effective, responsive, inclusive and accountable institutions to address social issues and provide quality basic services to the most marginalized.
El Proyecto de Adaptación al Cambio Climático en la República Dominicana. El programa busca construir resiliencia a largo plazo al cambio climático liderada localmente mediante la promoción de medios de vida sostenibles y la seguridad hídrica, lo que debería resultar en ganancias ambientales significativas en la cuenca hidrográfica de Dajabón, más allá de la provincia y en Haití. Al involucrar a las comunidades, aprovechar la financiación privada y los recursos públicos, permitir la toma de decisiones basada en datos y crear asociaciones diversas basadas en la inclusión y los enfoques basados en el mercado, el Proyecto de Adaptación al Cambio...
Counterpart International seeks a Monitoring and Evaluation, Collaboration, Learning and Adaptation (MEL/CLA) Manager to support its five-year USAID-funded program Climate Adaptation Activity in the Dominican Republic. The Climate Adaptation Activity seeks to build locally led, long-term resilience to climate change by promoting sustainable livelihoods and water security, which should result in significant environmental gains in the Dajabon watershed, beyond the province and into Haiti. By engaging communities, leveraging private funding and public resources, enabling data informed decision-making, and building diverse partnerships grounded in inclusion and market-based approaches, the Climate Adaptation Activity will accelerate sustainable social, economic, and...